Sunday School Cinema-The Dirty Dancing Edition

Being a part of the Chicago creative community for over 7 years now, I've seen comedies, parodies, dramadies, and calamities! My mother in law, aunt, and friend decided to come in for the weekend for wholesome comedy good time. I thought, hmmm, how about that new show Sunday School Cinema. Vicki Quade has been running Late Nite Catechism at The Royal George Theatre for years, its their staple go to show that everyone loves. I knew this spin off could be good for my family since well, I'm a movie maker, and they love movies!

So this past Sunday we went. To start, the set up is adorably proper. Against the backdrop of sister's class is a billboard of all past and present actors (I won't tell you why, it's part of the surprise of the show). We all admire the set, sit in silence, and wonder if Sister is going to be nice. The ladies behind us were howling about the set and talking about their own Catholic school days and how they planned to dupe the nun. My group I think was slightly nervous, none of us being Catholic at all, and sitting in the FIRST ROW.

Then enter Sister. Some of us are laughing, some of us not. The Sister makes one thing clear-we will address her as Sister ALWAYS. And then immediately hands the lady behind us a tissue to cover her exposed brassiere.

The Nuns shows by Quade are always interactive, which makes this one especially fun because we were asked to share our favorite movies. And everyone loves movies. But we did this on a piece of paper that we placed in a fishbowl. Later Sister would pull a few out and talk to us about whether our choices were appropriate according to the Catholic rating system. So just as we were all starting to relax up in front row "safety zone" Sister pulls out a piece of paper, glances over it, looks down at the audience and asks "Where is Anita?" Anita is my aunt. As it turns out my innocent Aunt Anita decided to write down "Dirty Dancing" as her favorite movie. Seconds later we all had a bent over belly laughing good time as Sister made Anita put her nose in the center of the circle on the chalkboard.

Nearing the middle of the show you would not believe Sister's system for deciding which movie stars made it to Heaven and which ones made to Hell.

The show had a lovely wrap up with a sing a long from one of Sister's favorite movies, and I even played a part in the reenactment of another.

The show was done in such good taste, praising those who did well, and innocently giving hard time to those who didn't quite measure up Sister's standards. All those who did got picked on were left unscathed. In fact, it seemed to reach a point where some of the audience WANTED to get picked on, as it made the show that much more fun. We were left with the lesson that Sunday School can be a great place to


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