*NEW* Interview with the Troll Monster: Live from the Alleged Car Crash!

*NEW* Troll Monster Song!

It's not every day that you can write about a story that brought millions to your blog, again. Especially when it involved a nobody that you hardly knew, yet just keeps doing things that cause them to be in the public eye. If you remember the infamous song "Trollin' Around" about the ex boyfriend of my sister, who childlishly broke up with her and then wrote things in emails his own mother is ashamed of. Yeah, that guy. Well, while things are over between he and my sis, his behavior has put him in the center of drama again.

My sister recently received an email from a girl who wanted to ask her a few questions about the troll-she said she used to date him and had some concerns about his behavior, lying, and bragging about an incident with one of his recent ex's.

Sadly, the Troll claims to have beaten one victim! (<--way to be proud of that Troll Monster!) after he brought her to his house and yelled at her for questioning his trolling ways. Though there seems to be two sides to every story, he claims she also beat him like a cavewoman thus causing a large area of damage on his head. However, the group known as "Troll Victims" feel that the Troll simply has internal brain damage caused by "Dumbassdansyndrome". Does troll monster think this story would take him far with the current girlfriend? Huh?

Anyway, as the jerry springer "live from the Troll cave" story continued he brags about having dumped her belongings out on the front lawn and locking her our of his house (so the palace that the so called Troll Prince claims to live in is simply nothing but a trailer cave!)Right? I thought trolls lived in caves? Oh wait, I'm thinking of that horrifying monster from The Neverending Story that has killer eyes and fangs. Maybe the troll just reminds me of that character so I associate it with the cave thing...Sheesh.

Shortly after this scenario, he decided to then move on to his next victim, the anonymous friend who contacted my sis. She claims the Troll tried to work his magical abilities and sway her with his Trollish looks-btw he claims his looks "can't be touched or ruined". Ahem, by that he means- "the trollskin (in ALL areas) is infected with vicious diseases and/or acid."

I have a feeling that the troll will eventually read this, as he was obsessed with the old blog, and may become ravenous and try to eat off all of his nipples in a fit of rage. Another sidenote: troll monster claims a GNOME PRINCESS attacked him once and ate his nips for romantic pleasure.

I do hope that he contains himself and understands that this blog is very different from the last one. THIS blog is trying to reach out to millions of women across the country in hopes to prevent the troll/neverending bear monster/erectile dysfunctional clown from beating other women. Also if the troll monster feels the need to post comments on here I hope he has learned how to write since the last time. Wait, do monster men have appendages or claws?

If you have a story or comment to share about domestic violence or the troll himself, feel free. Please keep it semi clean, and most importantly, V is for violence as well as V is for Verocious Vagine Addict!

Listen to the original troll song HERE


Anonymous said…
This guy is clearly a sociopath who needs serious help, and who does not learn from his past transgressions. No normal, self-respecting guy acts this way towards other people, especially women.

Seriously, if this guy is reading this, does it really amuse you to make our entire gender look bad? When will it end? When will you take a look at yourself in the mirror, realize that you are still a boy that places far too much priority on his own sense of self-worth, when there are more important things out there in life?

The only love you will ever know is loving yourself. Is that what you want in the end? Do you think that will suffice? Will it console you to die alone when you are old and gray, looking at yourself in a hand mirror with your last, raspy, lonely breaths just to make sure you look cool when you finally expire in case anyone from Traverse City is watching? Is this how your parents raised you, or did they send you down to Indiana because they were ashamed of how you turned out and how you treat others? Deep down, you know they are. They've yelled at you for screwing up things with the one woman who stood up to you, called you out on your crap, and who they were hoping would bring you down off your high horse. Why do you think they were so disappointed in that failure of yours? That's right... because they can't stand the fact that their son grew up to be such a self-absorbed, pompous, self-destructive prick.

Your immature, misogynistic crap needs to end. What is it going to take? Are you going to mess with the wrong girl who has a older brother who is more psychotic than you are? Revenge is a dish best served cold. Preferably a half-broken dish, in a slashing motion, lacerating his nutsack off. Guess it doesn't really matter if it's cold or not.
Anonymous said…
"Preferably a half-broken dish, in a slashing motion, lacerating his nutsack off."

I would just like to point out that the troll doesn't in fact have a nutsack.

Or anything below the belt for that matter. He has a severe case of little man syndrome, thus the convertible. You would think if you were going to get a cool car you would at least get a cool guy's car, though...and not a chick's car. And maybe you wouldn't wreck it into your new girlfriend's car. Way to go.
Anonymous said…
This is getting over the top! Mmmmmmk....
Anonymous said…
I think the first comment pretty much sums it all up, and I think the "victims" haha, should continue this only because the guy clearly deserves it. What a jerk.
Anonymous said…

if troll boy had feelings he wouldn't keep picking up the phone, calling people, and screaming at them for no reason. He also would understand that if he has feelings he might want to stop hurting other people's feelings. And stop trying to be a bad playa.
Anonymous said…
I'm friends with the girl who "only" and "ever" did stand up to the "troll" and I know that she deserved/deserves wayyyyyy better than this guy. She is sophisticated, BEAUTIFUL, smart, and if anyone knows her she is HILARIOUS! Anyone who refrains from being with her, is an idiot and is too imature to see what is sitting in front of them. I remember a time when he was in the car with me and convinced me that he would "never hurt her" and was "better than all her x bf's" Now, I'm not gonna lie, ya she has had some SHITTY guys in her past, ones that probably never grew up today (well except one that I think was probably the better pick), but this one... ABOVE ALL was the worst!!!. I hope this website get's spread around enough that another girl wont make the same mistake, if he can fool her someone who is as smart as she is and not many who have talent like her, run her own business, and BTW I know for a FACT runs a 3.75 GPA!!!.. then I'm sorry but the Troll can do it and fool anyone! I'm going to make it my mission to find her the right guy, THE ONE SHE DESERVES!!!
Anonymous said…
ok ya guys that beat women are kind of weird. but he sounds kinda cute. i'm not trying to start anything but if you take away all the art work his pic is pretty hot too. i work at taco bell so i meet a lot of guys and i'm looking for a new boyfriend. i wear flip flops in the winter and i haven't washed my hair since spring of 06'. he probably wouldn't even like me but i'm willing to take a chance. on death.

andy dick
Anonymous said…
ummmm.... I saw this guy on Then I had a friend who told me about his friend that met this so called "troll" a while back. The thing is, the "troll" is the same guy that emailed me on and sent me a wink. Now that I know about this, I better inform all my friends on match as well. Clearly, I don't want to date to troll, but I also don't want to say he is totally a lame ass like everyone is saying he is. The thing is I stalked him in the new Lafayette directory in town, and I was going to send him flowers, cards, chocolates, bears, and balloons. Which one the balloons was one of those heart balloons that I customized and asked if he would marry me. Do you guys think I should still send it? because, maybe he's not as bad as he sounds. Btw, who sang the funny rap song? Is it really true about him hitting some car?

Signed - curious, serious, ready for marriage and babies and confused
Anonymous said…
my cat wants to bone him
Anonymous said…
this would be a lot better of a blog if you would have left the "troll" shit out and not have tried to be like a typical movie scene! the guy is obviously a turd...point taken, but part of life is learning lessons along the way. I'm not sticking up for him, but this is so high school.(which maybe you all are...i don't know or in your early 20s). Come on though...slandering someone on the one needs that and your call him childish for the emails and the way he broke up with her...hello- this blog is to. Success is always the best form of revenge. Sorry, but one day your sis will realize this incident was something that made her grow much stronger and instead of lashing out at this guy by writing the blog. Try maybe consoling her and not exploiting her business out to the embarrassing!
Jessica said…
Hey "Anonymous".

Way to "hide" your identity. You're even more of a nutsack for posting that comment. You must be either the troll or one of his lame friends. A blog is for creative release. You know you LOVE the song. Lick my nuts.

Anonymous said…
Are you kidding me? Don't slander a guy who BEAT a woman? Please. This guy is lucky that he's not in jail. If slander is the WORST that he has to endure, after the girl he beat up has to endure physical and emotional pain, he should be fucking thankful. Whoever wrote that you guys are childish for writing this blog is a complete idiot. This shit is what makes a blog funny! Especially if you get creative with it like you did! kudos!
Anonymous said…
oh and the blog is not even about her sister anyway. it's about two anonymous women. i doubt she would have done that song if she was embarrassed. Maybe YOUR embarrassed b/c anonymous is the troll!!!!! LOL
Anonymous said…
I am the first victim of the "troll".. and honestly these are my thoughts.. ya ok so my sister has a blog. its what she does.. get over it.. I find it hilarious. I'm too busy to worry about the "trolls" feelings.. instead I get a kick out of the many things these girls tell me about him. It may be childish but the troll deserves it, you don't go from girl to girl just because your too insecure and can't handle being alone. Honestly, the Troll probably has a heart deep down somewhere but can't use it because he doesn't know how. Obviously, there are serious issues with him, and I could care less how he feels about this, do you honestly think he ever gave a shit about you? I think not. I would return some respect if the respect HAD EVER been returned to me. So for all you "ladies" or "trolls" who are commenting on this to stand up for him, I suggest you think twice.. if your smart you will.

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