Julie/Julia Jessica/Jessica

I just watched Julie/Julia yesterday and I really loved it. I was sort of waiting for the drama the whole time and then when it just ended up not being that, I was very happy. And selfishly, I think I liked it even more because both of those personalities, Julie and Julia, are in me. I have a character named Bernie Hershberger that some have seen me do in sketches. And Bernie is quite flamboyant, will say anything, and loves to indulge in Miller Lite. The Julie in me is the me. The writer, the thinker, the (as a friend said it today) "figuring stuff out Jessica". I just loved the movie and really related to Julie trying to escape her horrible government job and immerse herself in something creative and passionate.

And so it inspired me to cook too. Because, after you watch the movie, you HAVE to get into the kitchen and at least try to feel like you can be gourmet. And sometimes I am gourmet. I experiment, but not too often as I tend to rush through the making of a meal, just to get on to other things. So I went to the Whole Foods and bought four in bone breasts and decided to maybe make Chicken in Red Wine but then I got home and realized I don't have red wine at all. Well I have a Chinese red wine that Brent brought home from Shanghai but something tells me it would be wrong to use it to cook chicken. So I scurried around my kitchen and I found vodka.

I sauteed a shitload of onions and threw in some olive oil and then the vodka. I browned them a bit. And in a dish I put the breasts in some wax paper and coated them in olive oil and spices and then poured the onions and vodka infused au jus in there and put them in the oven.

Note: I have no idea what I am making. I just totally made this up, just to feel like I know how to be creative in my kitchen. I don't even know how long to leave the chicken in. And just for the hell of it the oven is set at 400 degrees.

And maybe I'm doing this just because I don't want to focus on what I should be which is finishing a script. But that was the whole thing with Julie. She's a writer, and no one would publish her book. So she found something else that she loves and she wrote about it. And now its a movie.

And not to spoil the movie for you but at the end *SPOILER* Julia Child ends up hating Julie's project. And I LOVE that the movie did not leave this fact out.

That's just the thing. Sometimes Bernie Hershberger sits around and just rolls her eyes at me and shows her bare ass to me and says "you are NOT showing your true colors!! Lick my ass!" She sort of has turrets. And exposure issues.

But you can harness the best of both worlds you know. Us creatives, we can be all of our personalities and explore our creativity in 5,000 ways. Its just whatever fits the bill at the moment, in my opinion.

So while this chicken au vodka is cooking I'm going to think about my next recipe or blog idea. I am sort of inspired to follow Julie's footsteps. To start a side project and blog about it. I'll let you know. Or maybe Bernie will let you know. I'm not sure.


theREALjulia said…
oh how splendid! i'd LOVE to try this dish!
I love that movie...and butter...REAL butter!

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