Copyrighting Your Ass

Be careful what you wish for. Or someone could come along and steal your wish and turn it into a horrible video. Isn't that the old saying?

Or maybe its don't sit down with a large institution and share your ideas because they might take that idea and use it as their own. I'm sure I've heard that one somewhere.

With all the Twittering, Fbking, blogging, how do we protect our ideas from getting ripped off. Every day you get a new suggestion of someone to be friends with, follow, join, become a fan, like, and share things with. Do we need to copyright everything we post.

"I had a great day!" copyright Jessica Hardy all rights reserved 2010.

I'm starting to think yes after recently posting ideas and a week later seeing them executed in the form of videos on facebook. I can't prevent this from happening, I just need to be more discreet. Which is hard. Because I like to share funny thoughts and get comments on them, but not at the expense of losing it to someone who will take the idea and execute it poorly.

All I'm saying is don't give away all your tricks. Just the ones you don't intend to turn. Because some people aren't original enough, and its ok to give them some help.


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