The first decade of the millenium left with my youth

I have to admit it. I didn't want to really. Which is why all my happy new year posts were full of happiness and jolliness even though I wasn't feeling all that jovial. Even though every new years I am looking forward to new years and I love new years. But this year it was not quite as enjoyable. I totally bring the feelings on myself and in order to keep a completely open book honest type of blog I have to say that. Like if I didn't I'm only giving a half ass confession to you.

It's about age. It's about the decade of my twenties gone. It's about being at a party where all the women are younger than you and it reminds you of how things looked to me then, effortless, sleeveless, pantiless. But not really anymore. At least not any day. There are certain preparations now. Like I maybe wear a little jacket thing with my tank top now. Or not eat for three days if I'm going to wear the dress. Or refuse to wear skinny jeans. REFUSE. I know I'm not alone in this.

Since when did I give a shit? Since when did a 23 year old make ME feel OLD? I'm the most inappropriately goofy person I know. It's like something went to shit in my head when the ball dropped. Even though Brent was standing there, right there, ready to land a kiss. He doesn't notice.

And men don't. And its not their fault. But its just the way society is. Men are graceful, sexy, and make more money as they get older. Women are regarded as out of date, unmarketable, and saggy. I know I'm only 31. And a half. But just let me get this all off my chest anyway. Thanks.

And its not YOUR fault either if you are a young hot girl in your twenties. Power to you. Just don't underestimate me and my shrug. And don't look at me like I'm your mother. Even though I probably could be. 19 years old at a drinking party, I ever did that.

It's me. It's totally me. And society. It's both of us, needing to get it together, change the way we think and function.

I mean look at Courtney Cox in Cougar Town! She is rocking it. Ahem, Sex and the City??! Yes, there are flaws, but it strives to shake things up. So thank you for that.

But these weird, strange slightly hateful feelings I'm having when these little mosquito titted girls flutter around grabbing boys butts and squealing and focusing so much on getting attention. It's exhausting! Just stop. Here, sit down and have a donut with me. Your metabolism is probably so fast you'll get some exercise out of it and lose your mosquito tits altogether.

I'm going to hell.

The POINT IS, I've gotta get over it. We all do, those of us going into our thirties. Because you know what? We were just like them. I remember one time thinking some of the things I did were so cute and I look back on it now and I vomit.

At least you are not going to find me in the back of that pickup truck, with streamers tied around my body on a bed of bud light cans now.

I'm growing up.


Mom said…
Yes you are and you are growing up beautifully! (And notice I didn't say "grown up" because the process never ends!) ;)

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