Wait, Our Movie is Done?

Wait, our movie is done you say? And we are premiering it tonight? I'm going to throw up. So you're saying that after two years of putting together something that no one has seen yet we have to show it to over 100 people in a big room on a big screen? Tonight? Will there be liquor? There will. Good. I'm going to start drinking now. Do I have to be there? Can I sit in the back? I'm going to cry. I can't believe this. I can't sleep. I'm going to jump. For joy. I'm jumping I'm jumping I'm jumping. Thank you thank you thank you THANK GOD for perseverance and bravery. I'm going to need a lot. If I'm going to keep doing this. Cuz I think we are. I think we are crazy enough to do it all again. Why? It's worth it. It's so worth the pain. Pain. Wait, you said we have to show this movie tonight right? Oh GOD!!!!


Jessica said…
It went over very well. We are looking forward to entering it into festivals and possible doing a public screening after receiving a lot of positive feedback!
-M said…
It's done! Congrats! Can't wait to see it.

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