
I've never given birth. I don't know that I will or what it might feel like when I do. There's a line that Mary Beth says in our movie about the show that she's helped put together:

"It's like I'm pregnant and now my water just broke."

We watched the movie last night. It's coming together so amazingly. And to top it off two artists have contributed songs to the film.

Sometimes I meet people at coffee shops or an art gallery and we talk briefly. Sometimes I want to keep talking or I want to collaborate on something. But the time we spend together serves its purpose and we are off into different spectrums.

One of the artists was a good friend from Second City whom I have no seen in over a year. I listened to a song he wrote with his comedy band. I loved it for the movie and now he's letting us use it. I had co-wrote a song with him for our conservatory show called pubic hair. We had good musical chemistry and I wished we could have done more stuff. Now we get to.

The other artist I saw randomly at an art gallery performance space about 3 months ago. It was her first live performance. I knew then that I wanted her to write for us. I waited until the film reached a an almost complete point and then contacted her. She was ecstatic to help and got a newly written song to me this morning. It's absolutely perfect.

These things come together you know. If you are willing to listen and realize potential and work for it, good people will come back into your life and help you make magic.

I think my water just broke. Let's get this baby out.


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