
What does it mean when someone says he/she is not available?

Does it mean emotionally, physically, spiritually......I suppose it could mean all three. Are we that out of tune with reality that when someone is not totally available, we pretend that they are, to satisfy our need to feel fulfilled? Does this backfire later? It's happened to me once or twice.

Sometimes we meet someone and they just are not 100% there for us. A lot of times we have ask ourselves if we need too much. And then if we decide we don't, we have to be realistic about what we are getting ourselves into.

Time can go by for years until we realize someone is not available. Why can't we ever force ourselves to read between the lines? And then other times, right away, something happens that tells us this person has unfinished business. If we continue to link ourselves up with them, what does that say about us? Or do we ignore it in hopes that we are wrong?

We all do it at one time or another. We expect that a friend knows what we are thinking, we get involved with someone who isn't ready, or we never ask our partner for something we need and expect that they know. Sometimes you can work through it depending on whether you want the issue to be resolved. And other times it never works because we build something on a false sense of what the other person is.

I get irritated when people say "I didn't see it coming" or they stick around and force themselves into the picture in spite of obvious turmoil. We have to be honest right away. Ask the hard questions and demand honesty in order to grow. Otherwise, history repeats itself kids.


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