Cheeseball Moment

Well, on the heels of good news I find out some not good news last night. I've been rejected from a directing program. Usually I take this to heart and feel badly about my talent or ability. But in all honesty, I took it differently this time. I feel ok to be rejected. It's as if I don't need the validation, it's like an Oprah "aha" moment. There are many ways to get to the endpoint and I'm finally seeing that one rejection will propel me in another direction I am more meant to go. I know it sounds like i'm a cheeseball. I'm not, it's just where I'm at and I'm feelin' ok.


Jodie Hardy said…
You've already got all of the fabulous credentials you'll ever need, just keep on putting yourself out there creatively and enjoy every act. We're really proud of you!
Anonymous said…
Oh...don't sell yourself short on one of your best qualities - being a cheeseball!

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