Women aren't funnY

I read an article in Vogue today about famous female comedians today and what it means for comedy. Tina Fey, Jenna Fischer, Sandra Bernhard, and others were photographed and interviewed about comedy in today's world. It is shifting, its true. But there is still this issue with looks. Women comedians are expected to be hot, whereas male comedians can be fat and funny. It's not fair, but its the game. I would be lying if I said my looks never got me into a group or a show. I'm not drop dead gorgeous but I'm not bad looking, and in a man's comedy world, let's be honest....This is why I'm writing a script about 3 female actresses. I want to explore this real subject of women trying to make it based on talent, not connection or making their talent have sex appeal. Not that there's anything wrong with being sexy, but only if you want to or your art calls for it. But if a woman wants to be ugly in her comedy, well it better be balls out in my opinion, all the way.


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