If there ever was anything more delicious or appetizing in teh world, I don't know what it would be. This picture is really just the most attractive yet curious thing you have now witnessed today. This, my friends, ladies and gentleman of all ages, is my friend's roommate. Here are a few facts about him:

1. Obsessed with online gaming and rarely leaves house to do anything except OCCASIONALLY work for Oprah studios to build sets. Recently however, he ran a forklift into a wall and they really do not want him back.

2. Is engaged to their other roommate who happens to also be recluse. And THEY SHOWER TOGETHER. EVERYDAY.

3. Their wedding will have a Star Wars theme. p.s. I AM GOING TO THIS WEDDING ALISON!

4. He answers the phone, YELLO!

5. He recently got highlights put into his hair and he owns about 7 bottles of shampoo and his hair is as long as Princess Buttercup.

6. As you can see in this picture, he looks like Aunt Jamima.

I rest my case. And remember, when at the zoo, please do not put your fingers in the cage.


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