Old blog from 2007

Last year I wrote this entry below on my myspace blog. Lately I had been thinking about my 5 years at Second City as an employee and student and what good times were had there. I found this entry and I like it. It describes how I was feeling when I was working there amongst those famous comedy walls.

On my way into second city today i was tired. Just had a meeting with our cast last night, still in a creative haze. walked through the pillared entrance to find myself entering the main doors and walking over cardboard. something felt fresh, new, but not entirely new. it was paint. i walked up the stairs to the box office and smelled the fumes even more. the purple floor was shiny and polished with a fresh layer of magic. this floor has been walked on by audiences, staff workers, actors, and famous alumni since the 70's. in that moment i could smell all of them, all the years and the laughter and the moments that have shared here amongst these brick walls. and now we have added another layer to this building, another moment represented by one thin layer of purple paint. my friends and colleagues walk these rooms with our ideas and gather for meetings of the mind, meetings that have most likely happened many times, the same meeting probably over and over and over. different versions, different souls.

yesterday, a guy from LA calls me in the box office. he used to perform on the mainstage, he's a friend of many people here. he asks me if i can give him dan akroyd's phone number. who knew that anyone would ever think that I could give them dan akroyd's phone number? he talked to me for about 20 minutes. we shot the shit about his screenplay, he was having a staged reading last night at some guy's house in LA. then he says, "well, if you decided that i shouldn't have his number, can you just give him a call, give him this address and invite him for me?" he gives me the exact address- "tell him there will be a gate, tell him to press #, there will be security, they'll just let him in." i tell him i'll do my best

we consider giving the guy his phone number, then decide we'd have better judgement. if the guy knows dan akroyd, then he can get dan akroyd's phone number...out of his black book. it was a weird decision to make. if i knew dan akroyd i think he'd appreciate it.

the thing is, that guy was once here, doing his thing, just as i am right now. and years later, 20 years later, he's trying to get reconnected. we are like a family here, and while you're here its a great family to be a part of. but someday we will all leave, do other things and branch out from the security of the purple paint beneath our feet.


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