the NEWS

I officially quit my job yesterday. The saga had been going on for too long. I know that I've alluded to difficult times on my blog but I felt I could not reveal the nitty details. To a certain extent I can now, only by not mentioning the names, but to those who know me, you know.

It started in the very beginning but sometimes you ignore the signs. Someone treats you badly once and you think it will pass, it was a bad day, or you are just being sensitive. The first time it happened I was in a crowd of people and parents, doing my job, when out of nowhere my boss decided to start making demands of me without asking what it was I was actually doing. In fact I was already doing what she demanded so when she told me act on it, I said "ok" knowing I was already two steps ahead. But because I did not jump to my feet and bow to her, she put her hands on my shoulders, got very close to my face, and spoke slowly and loudly to me like a dog.

In front of parents and children.

I was not only mortified, but very uncomfortable.

The second time, was lower on the scale of uncomfortable, but high on the scale of looney. A project was coming up but on hold due to some circumstances. Those circumstances were discussed, and documented in staff meeting. In the following days I waited for instruction to continue with the project. Then one day I was called into her office and she asked me if the project was complete. I reminded her of our meeting minutes. She told me I had no idea what I was talking about. That she had no idea where I came up with that. That the project was never put on hold and the circumstances did not exist. I later asked a co-worker if I misunderstood. He said no, then nervously laughed.

In between there have been hostile e-mails, gossip, and general eye rolls from her all around. She constantly talks over me and tells me that I'm not communicating properly and then follows it with standing over my desk and talking slowly to me like a dog. In addition, she changes her mind on previous issues without telling me, tells others one thing and tells me another, and would call me into her office for meetings that generally consist of her shopping online while talking about her personal stress or emotions. Sometimes she would talk to her computer screen too-a picture of her dog, while I waited with pen and paper to begin our "meeting". Then after a half hour of her ranting, with no questions to me about how I am, she would say "Ok, is that all then?" It was my que to leave, after wasting precious time on projects that were so-called urgent, but given to me the night before.

The last straw was a few days ago. I was called into her office and told that "I am doing your job". That "I am working 12 hour days and you are putting in your 40." It was like an old conversation with a roommate-("I did the dishes, now its your turn.") Projects that she refused to hand over previously were being used against me as a way to say I was pushing my work onto her. It was insane. Not to mention that from day one I have worked overtime. It just got to a point recently that I could work my normal hours. She implied I was not a team player and that I don't relieve her of her stress. I told her, really standing up for myself for the first time, that it has never been communicated to me that there are parts of my job that were missing. She retracted a bit, but still, with her pointy nose and thin glasses peering at me off the mountain's edge, she condesendingly said I was not a team player. At that point, I was through.

I called my friend Angela and told her my woes. And like magic and from some force beyond any of us, she told me she was hiring for a box office manager position. Within 24 hours, I was offered the job, better pay, start date immediately.

When doors open, don't hesitate, take the step and don't look back. I have a great respect for a lot of my previous employers-The Second City, Chiaravalle Montessori, but this place, I couldn't worry, it was in my best interest to say goodbye. My bosses were out of town this weekend. Yesterday, after 6 phone calls from my bosses telling me things I had done wrong, one of the them involving a letter not arriving to the location where they are currently residing, which would be a post office issue, I wrote a letter of departure, effective immediately, adios.

The new job starts tomorrow and its a place I worked before, they are like family. I'm so excited. It is a gift.

But you know me, I don't do anything without a proper her office


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