Well it's Monday!

It's a new week. Hope you had a good weekend. We had a great weekend. We attended the Second City Film Festival (no results yet, still waiting so stay tuned). Then our friends Matt, Sviokla, Cates, VanRoy, Lacey, Brent, and myself spent about 24 hours producing three short films. We mostly used my apartment and then moved out to a park nearby. Everyone was just so much fun to work with and Brent snapped some shots in the background. During one of our films Matt plays a foreign director giving the two actors on set directions that are not only indecipherable, but also completely made up nonsensical words. We had a VERY hard time not laughing during that one. I almost peed myself. It was a good time. And more good things to come including a picture slideshow of the weekend. Check back in an hour or so!


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