
I'm going to call The Circle Theatre's hotline today. And when their hotline answers I am going to tell them I want to audition.

That's right. I'm taking the first step. It's not that I haven't auditioned for anything since I've been in the city. But it has all been comedy. For a year I've been wanting to get out and audition for straight theatre with a monologue but I put it off. The movie was in the way or I found an excuse not to because, quite honestly, I'm scared of rejection. But HEY! I've been rejected a lot lately, so I'm feeling like I can do this. It's an off broadway play called Boy. It's about human emotion and how we often feel we are incapable of giving someone what they need or receiving what someone is willing to offer. Right up my alley, something juicy and deep.

I'm supposed to call at 11 am. If you are reading this blog feel free to post a message encouraging me to not change my mind between now and then. Because I have a tendency to lose motivation or I find reasons why I should call tomorrow. I have to call today.


Anonymous said…
I like your site!
Anonymous said…
You go girl! Talent is in your genes!

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