Sex Ed at Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving dinner proved to be more than a family gathering for the Ledbetters this year. Apparently their 10 pound turkey had "the biggest size balls" ever seen. Troy Ledbetter said that when he killed the turkey he didn't notice it's balls. "I'm no perve!" he said.

Sheila Ledbetter said "I was a little embarrassed! I didn't know turkey's had balls! Lil' Farhell asked what they were and I thought they were eggs. Do turkey's lay eggs? I dunno but it was pretty dang funny."

Troy said they turned Thanksgiving dinner into a "sex educational thing."

"We talked to our kids about how turkey's have sex. I think they do it from behind. Though I never seen a turkey penis or nothin'. But I've seen turkey hot dogs. They pretty good."

All in all it proved to be a turn of events that led to good family talk and eats.


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