Jean Halingburg of Peoria, IL says overtipping is a smart move if you want to get the best service possible. Halingburg, who is a regular at T.G.I. Burgers, recently was interviewed about her smooth tipping habits. "People don't realize that if you overtip, servers fight over you. I'm here everyday and even though I'm just one person waiters will fight over which booth I'll sit in. I get top service and it's really satisfying to know that you'll get exactly what you want when you go out to lunch everyday." Halingburg works at Tup & Cup Corporation as a human resources secretary and prizes the old principles of treating everyone with the respect they deserve. "I don't think we should tip the standard amount-these people deserve more, and in return we get great service. I leave at least 8 dollars on a twelve dollar bill. It's worth it to me that I'll get my refills on a regular basis or that they'll remember that I need a bowl of ranch with my tortilla chip appetizer everyday. Or that I need my bacon extra crispy on my cheeseburger."

Others feel that overtipping is extravagant, that Halingburg is already spending a lot on high lunch prices. Frank Obermyer, another regular at T.G.I. Burgers, says he rarely tips the standard fifteen percent. "It's a rip off. These people are lucky I choose to eat here. And I rarely get good service anyway." But Halingburg says people like Frank are missing the point.

"He doesn't get good service BECAUSE he doesn't tip well. Duh! People like that are a waiters worst nightmare. They know that no matter what they do, he won't change his tipping habits. It's really a shame. I see him in here everyday and I think he is jealous because I get the 'good' booth. This has probably left a bad taste in his mouth and he blames the servers." But Frank feels that overtipping sends the wrong message.

"The waiters take you for granted if they know you'll give them a good tip no matter what. I like to throw them off sometimes. Make them wonder if there might be a chance, " says Frank. Halingburg says she can expect perfection because of her 'restaurant status'."

"Restaurant status means that you are well known in the food chain neighborhood. I'm also a regular at Olive Oil and Texas Road Barn. The wait staff community knows that while I will tip over the standard, I have my requirements. Some of them include special silverware, a certain amount of ice in my cup, and cloth napkins. I also like my vegetables to not touch any other food on my plate and I require extra cheese on everything. Once they have the pattern down, its a great experience for both sides. I think most people that sit near me feel like peons but they don't get the system yet, " giggles Halingburg. All in all she feels good that she is being generous. "I just want to know at the end of the day that my money went toward a good cause. It's a circle of life."
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