friendship bracelets are easier

At a certain point it is hard to be the perfect friend. We all try to balance three things at once and be 100% at all of them. As I get older, I realize that I don't have to be the perfect friend for that one person and them to me. There are plenty of my needs that I need met. I used to be agreeable and hardly ever express inconvenience if someone said 6:00 for dinner but when I got there it would actually be 9:00, even though I express that I need to be home by 10pm. I would smile and nod, not wanting to appear as though I don't want to spend tons of time with them. But I am learning that if boundaries are not set people will take advantage, show less interest in your life, and suddenly they never leave their front doorsteps come see you or find out what you have been up to. But more importantly I feel that as we all get older, those of us who take a non traditional path get the brunt of having to be the most flexible. Sometimes life changes and I can understand that, sometimes friends are on two different pages, and it is harder for one than the other to meet halfway. But the more I try to make excuses the less I think about what I need. If it appears brass, selfish, or unforgiving it is out of my control. Sometimes you have to say no but thank you.


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