Francisco Foreskin Writes a Public Letter to Casey Anthony

Dear Casey Zenaida Gonzalez Mojito,

Hello. Pardon me for the confusing English if it seem I don’t speak very well. My name ees Franciso Foreskin (Fore-skin) and I reside in zee Chicago, IL. Anyberries, I have read from time to time your situation with zee baby and all that and holy whole wheat I can’t believe zees American bullsheet that ees going on.

So let me get zees straight. You had a baby. Zee baby disappear into thin air. Zen from what I understand your mommy called zee police and made reference to some kind of dead smell in your car.

I tell you what, if you just cleaned that-in France where I am from we wash things.

Anyways, so now you are being on trial for zee murder of your own baby. And what is even more confusing is this ZENAIDA lady. She sounds like some sort of fairy tale Lady Elaine from that show Mr. Rogers or maybe just made up for fun time play in your head. I don’t know but Jesus Squashbuckle Sunday School I can’t believe zees whole media full of bees out around you!!

And I’m sorry you fell on your face. Zat was very easy to watch but I am sorry.

I know zat I come across as eef I don’t understand how American justice system works but in my understanding when they found your baby in the dirt, you should just finally give the correct information to find that nanny raccoon face lady. I mean, who does she thinks she is hiding from everyone and not existing at all!

Your mother is quite a piece of cheese too. She needs to maybe go to my country for a while. I just don’t know about her. Zenaida owes her a personal apology, especially if Zenaida is her hair styler too.

Zees has to be very stressful I’m sure but if you try to sell me a bunch of bananas for more than oh I don’t know $5 I would probably put you in jail too.

Zee most fascinating thing about zees American trial and media stories is I just don’t know who is going to be zee big star in the end! And who is going to end up with who! I feel zat there might be some loving affection between you and your lawyer but I leave that to you your lawyer fees.

Don’t get me wrong, I have sympathy for any American in jail but I just can’t understand how zees baby end up in bad situation and everybody just want to hide zee truth. One time I “borrowed” a parakeet for a day and you just cannot lie about that because parakeets talk with zees loud CAW!



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