When Our Bodies Talk to Us

I have been through some medical tests lately. Nothing really wrong per say. Just don't feel very good. Without getting too detailed, I can tell you that I'm positive that I'm either a)an alien or b)need to change my diet. So that pretty much narrows it down. A few things I've ruled out: pregnancy and the bird flu. Oh and gall bladder disease. I think overall my body requires a reboot. And now the space bar and a few other keys are not working so well on our keyboard, stuck, and this also reminds me of my body lately. Stuck.

So during my visits to the doctor I explained my symptoms and we did some tests and everything was normal so she suspected IBS and prescribed Protonix. However,without ruling other things out, I did not want to start this medication. So I waited a few days and then some other symptoms popped up that seemed very different so I went back to the doctor. And as we were talking out of nowhere I cried a little b/c of my frustration with "things" going on physically. Which, I can't say is absolutely normal, but for me, its par for the course b/c I am just an emotional person. And well, this is frustrating. I will always let you know exactly how I feel. And just like that, without any sort of background/screening questionairre even, I was given, amongst two other medications that could possibly effect my chemistry and moods, a prescription for Lexipro. "Try it." she said.

Hmf. I was sort of shocked. I was sort of uncomfortable. I was sort of still having pain in my abdomen and couldn't focus on what she was saying.

I took the prescription and said "ok".

Mind you, I have no diagnosis yet. But I have a prescription for an antidepressant, just, you know, if I want to try it.

I liked this doctor a lot. But it was mind numbing to me how trained she was to suggest this. She also threw at me another medication and then advertised it by saying "all the doctors here use it, I'm out of free samples at the moment."

This doctor is not a psychiatrist. But someone has taught her to prescribe anti depressants either a) based on limited criteria or b) pharmecutical companies are pushing Lexipro in this particular office

There is no way I feel it was appropriate to suggest an anti depressant,and even more, actually write a prescription. To me, that is dangerous.

Anyway, I'd like to go back a few days. On Friday, when my symptoms hit an all time high, I made a decision to test my body. I put myself on a gluten free and dairy free diet. My aunt has celiac disease and the milk thing, I was just wondering how differently I would feel. It has been almost 7 days, and though it took this whole time, I am not having some of those symptoms. I am still waiting for blood work to confirm one way or another. But if all comes back normal. I may be making a permanant dietary change, because I feel better.

I have always been against medication without therapy. Always. Too many folks I know on medication that they just get from their doctor eventually wears off, or they get used to it, get depressed again, and just change the meds. I'm not saying they are useless-I know plenty of folks who need them. But way overprescribed over any little thing. "Here, try it, its like candy. Won't get rid of things, but you won't complain anymore."

Plus I'm really into herbal remedies and dietary adjustments. With all the hormones in our food,I urge women to attempt a hormone free diet, if you can square away the budget for it. Our bodies change so much into our thirties, and I'd rather work with it naturally if I can.


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