Goodbye LOST

Whether you believe in the story line of LOST, whether you truly buy into the characters, the meaning, the relationships, the science, the logic, the thing remains-it was a damn good show. I had not been watching a single show on television before LOST grabbed a hold of me, as it will do. The acting so moving at times, the show sat me down and took a stronghold of my being for an hour per episode.

LOST explored the idea of time, transcendence, faith, independence, dependence, humanity, death, fear, love, time travel, consciousness, subconsciousness, gender, culture, light, darkness, and violence in a way that has moved us to tears.

In a recent review Entertainment Weekly says it best "answers are different than meaning." America likes everything spelled out-what you see is what you get, no surprises or hidden meaning. And LOST, though at times using a "smoke monster" was hokey, makes us so infuriated with not getting answers, we start theorizing to pieces the next day at work; asking coworkers what they think-looking online for other Losties and their thoughts on last night's episode. It generated ideas.

LOST was a show that rather than creating talk about things, encouraged us to talk faith, science, and laws of attraction and light. How many dinners have I sat down to and had to talk about someones car engine, or how the wallpaper is coming along. Let's talk about things that are philosophical, things that turn us on! LOST reached a mainstream audience in a smart way and then turned the thinking engines on-got our brains turning, made people start to shift in their understanding of consciousness, choice, and purpose.

LOST will be studied at the college level in media studies. Not only did it explore existentialism, it changed the gender rules in television. I believe it was a show that gave women equal power and choice. The show portrayed women and men equally as vulnerable to life and love. Young women everywhere are looking up to Juliette, Ana Lucia, and Kate as three TV characters who were decisive, strong, and independent.

Anyone who loves LOST can admit it made them really think about their own weaknesses, and motives in life. Throughout life I hope I will have moments of alter reality flashes myself, realizing the missing parts of my consciousness, connecting with moments trapped in time between my soul and the physical world, find and reflect the light I see in others, and conquer my own invisible island that lives beneath the sea in all of us.



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