summer Sun

I don't know what it is about summer this year, but I am very ready for it. For some reason I always feel a bit unprepared, having not kept up with physical fitness through the winter, scrambling at last minute to see if the shorts/skirts are going to make the cut every first warm spring day, then panicking to figure out how I'm going to measure up and how I never worried this much about showing some skin back in the day. But this year, I'm less focused on it. I'm happy to be purchasing a new swimsuit for the season, some little emo like flip flops, and summer pastas and salads. Now to get a new gas tank for the grill. My parents will be moving to St. Joseph Michigan this May and they will be located 7 minutes from the beach. And of course, the visits to the North Webster Kado lake house are just around the corner as well as mom's squeeky clean pool and cocktails to boot. Ah, the summers get richer by the year. And every time the winter comes again, I want to move to LA.


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