Sometimes things just happen sometimes

I wonder what would happen if a person just jumped when they felt it was right to just jump. Without looking behind or ahead. I wonder how it would feel to use your arms to get momentum and then leap over a big big hill and on the other side would be marshmellows. I wonder how sometimes if a persons legs feel numb and yet can still feel the thoughts in the brain, chattering away like wildfire. Thoughts that carry them farther than the body can go. I wonder what would happen if light shone down through a tiny hole in the ceiling and burned a hole into the floor and little flower came through. But it would already be there fully grown. That would be a nice touch to a burned hole in the ground. I wonder if there is insurance for the sun burning holes in things, or melting a persons candy bar. Well, I know there's not. These things just happen and they are no ones fault or anything. They just happen and then oh well, it's done.


Anonymous said…
In my dreams I float/hover above the ground!! Although I don't jump over large hills, I can take a large step off any surface and I float across the area in which my dream is occurring. Kinda wild for at times I think it is real and I can take my energy and move myself in my dream to the point where I need to be without using my feet of feeling a surface.

J. Pawlosky

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