Going Home for Xmas

Every year, we go home for xmas. It is always one parents house to another parents house to another's. Since we don't have the time this year, we opted to go home last weekend for a one day party for all parents. We will spend xmas eve and day in Chicago.

As I read everyone's status updates on facebook the general one is "heading home!" "Baltimore looks great." "My dad just told me to slow down on the beers." While there is a part of me that wishes we were able to be with our families on the actual holiday, there is another part of me curious to be here in the city to see how it feels to stay in our home.

I imagine the holiday evacuation of Chicago, leaving just Brent and I to stand in the middle of downtown waiting for Santa to stop in and say "where the ho is everyone?" and then he'd give us everyone's presents. That would be cool.

When we each leave the city and head home, we are different people there than we are here. After sitting in our hometowns for a few days we might become part of the ourselves that is slower, quieter, more relaxed. It's funny because as soon as we come back in the city each of us makes up a part of the sharp, fast, and furious urban culture that is ...fighting to the last sweat drop to be seen and heard in a city so huge.

Over the next couple of days Facebook will tell me all about the at home experience "So tired..." "Wonder if mom would let me sleep all day?" "Just chillin with my cousins." and by next week we'll be back to "Man on bus got in my way and puked on my audition script!!!! Argh."


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