The Dark Side of Comedy

It's really no big secret that I'm not a schmoozer. I don't even know how to do it. Like if some big wig comedy guy walked in the room everyone around me might be like

"I like your hat"

But I would just smile awkwardly and barely know how to say excuse me to get past him to use the restroom.

It's not that I'm afraid to talk to people. It's just that if I don't know somebody I'd rather really get to know them naturally rather than some forced schmoozing.

Schmoozing can also involve drinking with your improv teacher and then asking them to review your headshots. But isn't that type of schmoozing just sort of annoying? Because if she's an improv teacher she's not a photographer. But because she feels like she has to give a right answer she might just tell you that your picture is too grainy and then you'll feel like a big failure who doesn't know how to even take a good headshot.

It's also no secret that sometimes I go out into the public and see an old colleague they pretend they don't know me. It happens sometimes. And then the next time I see them they've heard I've done a movie and they remember my name and they want to smoke pot together and 'pick my brain sometime'. What does that even mean?

I admire everyone. I think everyone deserves to achieve their best fullest potential if they go after it in the most best honest way.

Actually sometimes I think pick your brain means hang out so I can collaborate with you but you do all the work. Or sometimes it means steal ideas.

I'm not trying to be an asshole in this blog entry.

I'm totally being an asshole in this blog entry.

Well, what do you want from me? Some dishonest asshole? Or an honest one?

There are moments when I know this city to have these truths that I speak of and then I tell myself, forget about it. It's not worth discussing with yourself or anyone else. But I don't think that's true. I think its good to acknowledge certain truths so we can all move on knowing that this is the way the world exists and how can we exist in that world in the best way? It's easy to get sucked in to the dark side. So don't.

Just don't.


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