There's No Telling

There's no telling when the train stops at the spot where you are meant to get on. or when the screeching halt of the music played inside a sweaty bar will cause someone to look and notice you. There's no telling if you didn't hear someone say thank you because you are focused on not touching the sweaty guy that dances like a lightning bug but moves like a retarded walking stick. sorry for saying retarded. there's no telling if you'll offend someone, if you know someone that saw you but you didn't see them. or if you brushed up against the woman that will tell you five years from now you are pregnant. there's no telling who is right or who is going to grab the next taxi just before you think you've got it. there's no telling when logan theatre will raise the price from three bucks a ticket to four bucks until tonight. there's no telling if you'll ever read a card from a friend that you put in the bottom of a box you hardly ever open until much later or maybe never but at the time you wanted to save it because you knew you'd want to read it again soon. there's no telling if there are hormones in the tap water. there's no telling if someone called your phone but it went straight to voice mail didn't even ring and they didn't leave a message. there's no telling if you might reach out and hold your husbands hand in the night. there's no telling if these things happen because that is sometimes the magic of life, the stories that you don't know but are saved for fiction or movies or imagination. if you can transcend what you don't know into art there's no telling if you make up a story that really happened to you. there's no telling.


Blair... said… your writing...and I swear you read my mind sometimes...keep 'em coming...there's no telling when I will come back to your blog...but I love it everytime I do!

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