Friends with Kids

I love kids. And I love my friends. And I love my friends with kids.

Obviously, as you get older, you will drift apart a bit when kids are in the picture.
It's a lot of work.

I have a hard time though with those who go missing for months and don't breathe a word when you try to keep up with them. And then all of sudden with no warning they contact you as if no time has passed.

I feel that those of us, with no kids, are equally as busy. I work a full time job in addition to a second full time job when I'm working on a film project, an acting gig, or whatever it may be. But for some reason, if kidless adult falls off the face of the earth there's no autopilot excuse for them. They are flakey, depressed, or altogether an asshole.

Is it the case that adults WITH kids get off easy when it comes to social graces?

I realize that by writing this, I'm possibly creating enemies. And I'd just like to say that in no way is this post attacking anyone. I simply write to put a thought out there about how our society shows favoritism to one group over another.

Happens all the time in the grocery store too. If I'm on the phone with someone from the movie and its really important and I HAVE to take the call but I'm blocking the butter from someone's reach, I get all kinds of angry scowls. If a mom with her cutest ever little baby is blocking the same area, people patiently wait and coo at the baby while doing so.

Eventually I want kids, and quite frankly, I might take advantage of these perks too.

But being on this end, well, it's frustrating when your once childless friends pull the "so sorry its been crazy with the kids" excuse every time they bail on an event, returning a phone call, or email. I feel guilty if I get mad at them so I always say "of course, you are so busy!" But when I miss a call,'s like I'm being distant or something.

I have a cat. Does that count?


Blair... said…
Well said...I agree...I do believe "busy" is a relative word that correlates with pretty much everyone's life regardless of the circumstances...but it just shows another societial bias...I thought we had enough of those, but they seem to keep popping up :)
-M said…
Did you just read my mind? With a FT job + school + homework + time to sleep or just time for myself=busy. I like kids, but cannot afford one and am not sure I have the patience, let alone time. I think people with kids get off way too easy and working at a library I see so many parents use their kids as an excuse when they lose a book. We should start using our cats as an excuse and see what happens!

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