Facebook Etiquette: To Friend Request or Not to Friend Request

My friend called me today. She told me that her boyfriend from over a year ago, whom she loved at one point and thought she was going to marry and now hates him to pieces, got a friend request....from his girlfriend.

(long annoying long sighing pause)

And after that pause she says "When is that EVER appropriate?"

Upon receiving the friend request from the woman she only knows as her ex's new girlfriend who took the place of my friend a mere few weeks after their break up, she msgd her. "Do I know you?" To which the gf wrote back "No, but I am ____'s girlfriend and I see you at church sometimes and never said anything. I decided to friend request you so that if we do talk at church its not uncomfortable."


Here's the thing. Women sometimes, not always, but sometimes know that they are poking at another woman. And this *friendly* friend request smells like a whole lotta bs if you ask me.

But with Facebook being all so casual and such, when is it actually not appropriate? Could it be that the gf just doesn't think the FB friendship is all that big of a deal? Or is Facebook a way for people to spy on those they normally wouldn't hang with?

Here are the top innapropriate friend requests, in my opinion:

1. Obviously, the gf or wife of a fling that has a sour past
2. Obviously, the ex with a sour past
3. Family is tricky-aunts and uncles are a grey area, they are going to learn a lot about you if you let them in
4. Ex friends are a no no. Reconciliation should not happen on Facebook
5. Don't friend request someone you barely know and then ask them to hook you up with a job a day later b/c you think you are 'friends' now

And now I leave you with this video:


Anonymous said…
The new girlfriend clearly needs to put down the crack pipe.

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