Chances are Moments to Say Yes

Life gives us chances. People give us chances. Sometimes the chances are hidden and sometimes they are obvious. Sometimes they are hard. And sometimes they are easy. Sometimes they are so easy that you leap without looking, you fly without checking in your baggage. Sometimes they are so hard that you can't swallow and you can't understand why this chance is in front of you.

Chances are moments when you can say yes. Sometimes yes to growing, sometimes yes to running, sometimes yes to smiling, sometimes yes to closing a door.

Chances appear before us in form of a fight, a missed train, a stranger, a lost dog, a health issue, a brand new day, your place in line for coffee.

Sometimes it takes years to realize you had a chance and you should have said yes. And sometimes that's ok too. It's fun to realize that something was disguised as a chance to change or a chance to go a different direction, and then knowing you didn't, and looking at where you are at right now. There are so many chances we can't always know.

Sometimes a chance is an opportunity to say yes to a bad thing, say yes to a goodbye, or say yes to letting go. Sometimes a chance is an opportunity to say yes to a good thing, say yes to saying hello, saying yes to holding on.


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