Francisco Talks about the Weather

Listen to Francisco's confusion over storms. "it's so hot. it's so hot i gotta write about it because i'm not gonna lie my ballsack so sweaty i can hardly stand to not cut them off and soak them in the freezer. but that might pose a problem. funny how it was so cold and now it is sooooo hooooottt. i don't understand chicago like that because from what i learned it is the windy city. but there is no wind today. and i know there is so wind because my moustache has not changed shape one single frickin' time all day. i even jogged down the street and then i turned around a few times and by the time i go look in the mirror all i see is sweaty moustache but no difference in zee shape. by the way, if you ever run up and down in zees weather you should know that you could die. i actually gave myself an almost heart attack but i in pretty good shape at least for a while i've been eating less mayonaisse. anyhonker i heard that there's going to be big big midwestern storms which i have never quite been a part of since i haven't lived here for too long. but from what everybody is writing on facebook, and twatter, i figure i better find a way to stay safe because it sounds like we all gonna die pretty much. so i went to the home depot store and bought some few things and pieces of wood and i boarded up all the windows in my house. but then my neighbor told me that is zee most stupid effing thing i could of done and i looked at him and said 'you know what! i'm sick of your stupid american bullshit thunderstorm radar sheet." he didn't take that too well since he is a weatherman or some sheet. anyfart, my wife made me take down the wood and now i am sitting with my family in the basement with a radio and my computer and we are going to eat dinner down here and play games until our house go up in the air and we land in the wizard of oz. i love dorothy. until then, sincerely, francisco foreskin."


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