Date and Crash

My friend decided to go on one of those speed date events recently. I am not single so I vicariously explore what the dating world is like and keep up to speed by listening to her stories. When she signed up for the event she didn't tell anyone, not even me. Probably because it has such a bad reputation.

Mind of Mencia
Speed Dating
Race JokesPolitical HumorPlay Carlos Mencia Games

When she finally did tell me she was going I thought it would be either a good experience or a bad experience. My friend is really outgoing and needs much more than 5 minutes to let you know what she is all about. But on the flip side perhaps this would be a good way for her to meet multiple people without the personal pressure of having to end the conversation.

However five minutes into the event she texted me and told me she might cry.

What you often forget about these events is that they make you pay $35 and hype it up to be a huge thing. When she got there about 8 men arrived to the six women. The event had promised that there would be 30 people and that they only had a few spots left. Did they mean they had 30 spots left? Hmmm...what a mistake.

My friend went straight to the bar and requested a Long Island. We would do the same *no judgement*. And admirable she and her friends faced the music, or should I say lack thereof. They decided that even though the pickins looked slim and, in some cases, not so slim, they were there to meet people. And that's what they would do. They each agreed that no matter what they would select two men at the end of the night to put down as a potential match.

Before I explain each man she encountered I will attach a photo to his name. While these photos are only photos I found on the world wide web, and are not in face the actual men, it is my guess as to how the men might have looked if I had to match it with their personalities.

First there was Will. Apparently he's a chiropractor. When my friend acted surprised he got defensive. She just explained he looked young and from there he acted awkward. I mean, come on dude, it's not like you whipped out your little peni and she put up a sign that said "skip this weiner".

Next was Ian. Apparently she viewed him as a cocky nerd. Later her friend said she thought he might be autistic. He shared his love of museums but when others shared their opinions he became hostile and judgemental explaining the specific facts about certain exhibits. These are the kinds of single people that you want so badly to find their match but they may never do so because they are socially incapable of carrying on a democratic conversation. And it also may be quite possible they pretend to want love but deep down just want to have sex with animals.

Brian was stoned.

Darrel was hands down the nicest fellow. He was easy to talk to and she felt right fromt he beginning that this could be good. They talked about biking and he offered to "rip out his spedometer" to show her how much he liked it. And about towards the last minute it dawned on her that Darrel is gay.

Jason kept sitting next to her instead of across from her and eventually was sitting so close that he was sitting on her.

And lastly Chris (I left out two that seemed to not affect her and she believes they stared at each other for the whole 5 minutes). Chris a) spit on her three times and b) told her he didn't want her to tell him what she does for a living. Chris seems like a real charmer or better yet reminds me of this guy my sister dated.

Kudos to those girls for sticking with it. I say, if you are willing to put yourself out there, you are really deserving of the $35 back and someday your true match!


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