Stage Moms

I've seen my share of stage mom's. It's really neat. Like when you watch movies that portray stage mom's you get this idea that "oh, it's just a movie" but then you see it in real life you kind of wish you wouldn't have written that pursuasive paper in high school outlining how tv lies. Because in this case, it just doesn't.

When I worked a job I will not name, I dealt with mom's who were way more into the activity for social reasons. Like this was the time that they got of the house, literally. I'd have mom's coming into my office talking to me about stuff I did not want to hear. And their daughters even treated them like they were super lame. The daughters themselves were bitches, but the mom's had bought them any and everything of how ever many they wanted just to make sure the daughters were not ever getting stomped on by their competition. And then this kept the mom's inside the cool circle. The cool circle consisted of the mom's who made sure they knew everything. They stood out in the lobby where they could gossip about other mom's. It was sort of like the worst part of my years in high school when any sort of activity required your parent's having political pull.

Then there's the talent agency in my building now. Mom's bring their kids in all the time. Really young ones too. They are super cute, don't get me wrong. But like way too cute. Like what, do they take four baths a day? B/c they smell way too good too. Anyway, today this mom comes in with her little boy. She's a firey red head, gorgeous. And her son is also little red, really cute. But this is my second favorite thing about stage mom's-talking to your acting cutie like they are your age. "So I was thinking that I might do our taxes later tonight after a glass of wine. Then I need to make sure I get a pedicure appt. in tomorrow....ok, do good in your audition!" The kid just robotically listens, nods where appropriate, much like he'll be doing in about 5 minutes when the agent talks to him about the role.

I've seen talented kids. But the mom's need to go. They just ruin the kid's chances of being liked altogether.


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