Lots, Lots, Lots

Lots going on with the new movie production. We are holding an audition for two supporting roles on April 28th. We have secured our DP and assistant director. We have a rehearsal schedule underway and I got a new haircut (most important aspect). In addition to this my day job is slowing down which means I can do production work at work and not feel bad! Brent recently went home to shoot some footage of the lake house and take some pre-production photos for the DP. We are on a roll.

Last night we screened Off the Cuff at Sonotheque in Chicago and it was a lovely turnout. Lots of new faces and actors interested to see the movie. It was received very well and we very much enjoyed laughing at some of our personal fav parts. It was also nice to have family, friends, and co-workers come out on a weeknight and show their loving support as well.

Thanks everyone! And here's the next movie! www.welcometogentlewatersmovie.blogspot.com


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