No Diggity

I just got a message from my friend Rachel. It was an old old email she dug up from college. Remember this? she says. It was an email chain my girlfriends and I had passed around. Each of us listing things that we will always remember about our recent spring break. Much of it inside jokes, other comments were about our friendships, our boyfriends, and things that girls say to each other when all they have is each other as they survive miles away from home.

There were things I'd forgotten about: "BO" (inside joke), tiki lounge couples, beer bongs, late nights with the guys below us and many other stories...It took me back to our hotel room, on Daytona beach. Us girls laughing and giggling all day and all night. It wouldn't matter what the boy drama was at the time, or who got too sick from drinking and pissed everyone off. All I could smell while I read it was sea air, sand, and I could hear "No Diggity" playing on the little portable CD player we brought along.

One of us is a lawyer. Two of us mothers. Some of us still stay in touch. But its kind of hard. That's sort of how it goes after 10 years.

I imagine us going on a spring break now. Going to bed early. Probably staying in and watching movies. Watching the kids on the beach have their fun. But I imagine we'd still giggle all day and all night. No external factors or our age could change a thing. Except who would be brave enough to wear a bikini?


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