Put Yourself Out There

Just put yourself out there. Ya know? Like don't hold back. Don't say what if. Don't contemplate whether people will like it. Or like you. Just hold it out in the wind and see which direction it goes. If it blows south, take it. Don't analyze or criticize why or how. Just go with it. If it fails, embrace it. Do it again. Do it all again over and over. And each time it will be better and greater. It has to. It will. Except one time I took the SAT with a calculator and one time without and I got the same exact score. But there are no answers perfectly right. So just take it and know that it is what it is. Maybe it rains on your wedding day. Maybe our film is rejected from festivals. Maybe you finally get into a PhD program (someone did!). Someday you'll turn around and say, oh, I'm glad I did that. All of it. All the hard work and failed opportunities. It was so...worth it. Know what I mean? Or don't? Ya, me neither. I can't quite put my finger on how things are ever going to really go or make me feel, but I know I want to feel something all of the time. All of the time. I want to be out there and feel it all.


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