Once Upon a Time I Had a Blog...and Some Stalkers

I guess when you put yourself out there on the internet you are bound to get some anonymous lovers. I've had a few hate comments on here. One time someone told me I have no life. Which is true. Another time someone said that I didn't know how to spell. Also, true. And most recently I was told to suck it. Which is also true. I should so totally suck it. Although there is a difference between an anonymous lover and an anonymous stalker. An anonymous stalker actually knows you but is afraid to tell you who they are.

Sometimes when I get these comments I relish in the fascination of it all. First of all, someone found me. Now, whether it be a stranger, a foe, or a friend, someone found me! Which means I can be found. Which means I can be...well lots of things...taunted, teased, bullied, praised, tickled, saved, farted on, molested, killed to name a few. I'm sure an anonymous lover might name a few more!

There are SO many exciting options at that point!!!

And assuming that the comment isn't totally psychotic, yes there has been one, I accept and publish it, because it's the nature of the game. Blogging isn't just for me throw my opinions out there. And I can't always get kind words in return.

One time someone told me to eat shit. No, really, she did. She told me to eat shit at the end of a long email. It was the final last words. And while I wondered what I did to cause this person such anger, I also had to remind myself that she saw a therapist because she would pluck her leg hairs out with tweezers at 3 am.

One time someone tried to punch me. They backed me out a door and then shut it in my face. Ah, the olden days when people would physically slam you instead of cyberslam you. I was horrified and saddened, but then I had to remember that that person was an acoholic and had an addiction to children's toys and decorations.

Now some of you may be thinking "Jessica! That is unacceptable! How can you not hate those people?" Or others of you may think "Well deserved!"

Well, I don't hate them for godsakes. I mean, I've behaved like a baffoon before as well! Haven't we all. We are only human. Except I have alien boobs.

The POINT is, don't ever take yourself, others, or some blog so seriously. Move on from the past and accept that we all have our moments. I mean sure, I could never really be friends with a person who tries to punch me or tell me to eat shit. But I can forever use them for characters studies when I write scripts for my films and/or short plays.

You can grow flowers from where dirt used to be.



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