10 Ways to Know Your are a Chicagoan by yours truly

10. You can't figure out if white snow is actually snow. It's usually yellow.

9. When it's quiet you are confused/disoriented.

8. Backpack, check. Coffee, check. Chic outerwear, check.

7. You will cross a road by way of the traffic flow, not traffic signals.

6. You are not afraid to die. In traffic.

5. You either enjoy the arts but get your money from elsewhere or you are in the arts and have no money.

6. You treat bikers as real human beings, not alien amish people.

5. You are in a hurry. Always. Even brushing your teeth.

4. You've worked at a coffee shop at some point for any given amount of time, ever.

3. When you are in the suberbs you assume that someone standing outside of Target with a cup needs change and you tell them to fuck off.

2. You'll walk anywhere. To Florida, whatever.

1. Every year you swear to everyone that you will no longer endure these long winters.


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