Thanks for that.

Thanks for that stomach flu. That was frickin' sweet. I can't remember that last time I prayed that I didn't get the stomach flu. Last I checked I was wishing every night, adding it to my Christams gift list "I want the stomach flu. I've been nice." I can't believe it didn't last longer. It was so much fun. Especially the part when I was crying because I had nothing left to puke. Mmmmm. Yum. Or the part when Brent wheeled me into the ER because I was dehydrated. All I kept thinking was 'may this never end.' When I felt better, after the IV I was telling the doctors to induce me with another fun virus. Like maybe something that would make my whole body swell up or make my boobs fall off. But I guess the stomach flu is a gift that is sacred and its own special treat. Don't want to overindulge on my wish list! Well now that it's all over and my insides hurt and I look like I'm back to my junior high weight, I think I'll just count my blessings and remember how lucky I am.


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