Something in the Air

My sister and I lounge in my living room watching the Grinch. It's at the part when he hears the Whos singing even though he stole their xmas gifts. Suddenly he realizes that its not about the gifts, his heart begins thumping, he makes out with the dog and his entire being changes.

As I watched it I couldn't help but smile, as Brent and I had witnessed a change in our own lives recently. While one person passed, two people came back into our lives who had been estranged for some time from the family. There had been resentment, anger, and fear that had them away but at a time of need they appeared, and everyone shared tears and hearts opened up and let everything be in the past.

Then we received a phone call that someone else was in the hospital in critical condition. The next day a friend called and said she was about to meet her father for the first time in four years after he left her mother and she disowned him.

As death entered our lives this week, it seemed a rebirth would follow. And then again. I know it happens all the time. A parent dies, and then a grandchild is born soon after. But when it happens like this, when you see it and hear it first hand one day after the next it reminds you how precious life is and how much you love people.

I can't say I'm always open to letting people back into my life after they've left it. We meet people all the time and we have to judge their character and decide if they bring us joy or bring us pain. But people make mistakes, and hopefully if that's all it was, a mistake, then we can allow reconciliation. And why is it then when a person dies we are more open to considering that? I guess that is it, we wonder if we would have regrets if those we love died unexpectedly, or those who we had lost touch with. I suppose for some I would feel badly and I may even attend the funeral. But for others I might be considering writing them an email right now, to say hello, and make sure I reconnect.

You know how in movies its one thing after another, and when one bad thing happens something good happens right after? Well that's intentional, because as humans we tend to see things that way. How could we not? The suffering could be endless if we never saw the light.

I suppose then it's appropriate, on this Sunday morning, to say that what we experienced this week was a bit of a spiritual awakening and lesson about unconditional love. No matter the religion of it, one thing is for sure, there is something in the air.


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