Ice Ice Baby

Well, we are a little stuck in Indiana. Supposed to take a train back to Chicago but there are delays and cancellations. Yikes. We are having our third xmas with my dad this morning so perhaps we will get a little extra time. We shall see!

The holidays are tiring, they are fun, and they make you spend a lot of time with people who you might not normally spend all your time with. When you get back together with family for three days in a row, it's like you are back in high school and you are having to deal with each other's issues again. Do the holidays cause anxiety or joy?

For me, both. I'm very joyful with my family. We play games, we laugh, we reminisce about the old times. But then, after about 2 days, it becomes a little, well, much. We see those things that we simply don't want to see. We get in each other's business, everything becomes revealed and I'm ready to go home!

But its also a good time to see those who you NEVER see. Those distant cousins, aunts and uncles that you only see when its a holiday. And you can say that you saw them and then you don't feel guilty again until another year goes by.

Ultimately, it's like ice. You may balance. You may make it with flying colors. You may fall unexpectedly. But when the holidays and family time are over, you can go back to your zone and get back to brass tax, as my friend likes to say.

So Happy Holidays! Hope you didn't break any bones.


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