These are the Days of Our Lives

I've skimped out on the ol' blog lately, because, well, I've been busy. But here are a few things Brent and I have been up to which I think are pretty exciting:

*Halloween-went to the Yelp Halloween bash in my neighborhood. I was dressed as Blanche from the Golden Girls. I also saw other interesting costumes. A shower, a pole dancer, and Adolf Hitler. I do not recommend choosing Hitler for your costume amongst a party full of complete strangers. Not only is it offensive, but it's also offensive.

* Brent volunteered for the Obama campaign this weekend by getting out the vote. He and a fellow Chicago friend and writer knocked on 400 doors! I'm so proud of him and the many people who are volunteering their time right now at this time in history.

* Tomorrow, myself and three girlfriends will head downtown to possibly be part of the hype around Obama's victory. If he wins, we will be in the heart of where it all started.

* I auditioned for my first Chicago musical last night! I've been avoiding this small goal for years, and I finally just did it. It was so awful! I had two songs prepared and a monologue. They made me sing my weakest one-Roxie Hart from Chicago. And they made me stand on an X so that I couldn't move. For my first audition, it was a bit brutal, but boy did I feel like I had accomplished something!

* Wednesday I will audition for a Dove Internet ad. I submitted my picture and they are interested in seeing me. More on that to come.

* I started a new screenplay and reached a decision to start a grant proposal. The process of both writing a grant proposal and a screenplay are daunting but I'm ready and up to the task.

* Brent and I were interviewed as subjects of a documentary today. A woman is doing a documentary about artists who work day jobs and struggle between being financially stable and artistically successful. It was very...therapeutic and calming to talk openly about the struggle that you have as an artist. We had a good time with it.

I have some pictures to share with this post later. Don't forget to Vote and don't forget to smile. Tomorrow is going to be a gorgeous Chicago day.


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