Oh Hey I'm Back Sort Of

Thanksgiving is a black hole of non-reality. You travel, sometimes far, or just across the border, but regardless you are taken out of your own day to day bubble and put back in "home mode" as I like to call it. You know what I'm referring to: lazy TV watching, late food eating, spending time on the internet searching for boots and other winter accessories that you wouldn't normally have the time to do, drinking wine...every night, eating all day long, lounging around with family, having old arguments with parents or siblings, reverting back to childlike behaviors such as not flushing the toilet when you are finished or begging your mother to take you shopping for things you want but don't need such as jeans, face masks, scarves, chocolate, Starbucks, and playing old pranks that eventually piss everyone off and it's time to go.

Then you come home and it's like culture shock. At least for me it is. We pull into the big shiny city and it feels sort of, well, real again. And then I start to remember that I have to call our editor, pay rent, and audition for something or other on Tuesday. I am reminded that I have to clean my apartment, go back to work and deal with phones ringing off the hook, and hit the gym right away.

Once I get back into the swing of things it's ok. And eventually Brent and I relax into our own little home and it feels, well, it feels nice and comfortable and fine. But you know, as much as we might complain that we have to head home for the holidays and 'deal' with normal holiday 'drama' and get fat and bored. I think it's all just code for thanks mom and thanks dad for still letting us come bother you.


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