Night Routine by Jessica


Get on bus. What is that buzzing? Can certain buses have bad energy? What stinks?


Don't sit next to me don't sit next to me. You sat next to me.


What stinks?


Catch next bus. Get texts from friends about going home next week. Party time with old high school crew. Ah, do reunions ever go out of style? Imagining who I might see, and who I don't want to see.


If random girl is chewing gum loudly behind me and I poke her eyeballs out with my sewing needles would that be considered a misdemenor or a felony? I get to thinking about eyeballs. My uncle has a glass eye.


Bus driver obviously wants us all to die.


Bus driver decides to rapidly pull over barely in time for me to jump out of bus and nearly fall.


Finally through front door. Ah. Ignore mail. I see bills. Ignore mail.


"Hi honey!" Honey is on computer enjoying his evening. Chit chat about day. Chit chat about plans for tomorrow. Chit chat about how cat will NOT eat new calming treats that we need to try out on him in order to know if it will sedate him for trip home on Saturday. If cat does not eat calming treats we will be on road trip from hell in 2days 21 hours.


Cat just whacked calming treat across living room. Clearly thinks it is rodent.


Phone won't stop buzzing. Oh, it's a reminder. That I'm late. For an appt. That I had at 7pm. That I didn't get original reminder for because phone was off. Hmmmf. Tomorrow is another day.


Blair... said…
I love it...all the random thoughts we all have (except maybe the cat treats...which I hope works out for you. Benedril, which I obviously can't spell, works too, cut it in half) Safe travels. Let me know if you would like to grab some coffee or something...if I am not one of those you don't want to see :) However, I know how crazy things can be when you come home for a visit...

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