Brent and I are voting early today.

If you want to see if your state allows early voting look HERE

If you want to find your polling place to vote early all you have to do is enter your name and address HERE

If you have the ability to vote early you really should. Here are the reasons why:

1. Reduced lines

2. Convenience

3. Less of a chance that your ballot could get thrown away

4. Less of a chance that you could get turned away if the lines are too long

5. More days to choose from. Sometimes when it comes down to one day we decide we are too busy to show up. YOU MUST VOTE

For many people, especially high school/college students, it seems that voting is unimportant. I remember when I was in high school and I couldn't vote yet but it seemed so out of touch, out of reach. I didn't get the point. Then when 2000 hit, it was the first time I could vote and I really got involved because I was in such a different place personally. If you are 18 years old stop and think about the world for one moment. How do you feel about your chances of being able to afford college? How do you feel about your chances of getting a job? How do you feel about health care since you won't be dependent on your parents much longer? Now you will be a part of the US as an adult. How do you feel about what the US represents to other countries?

There ARE powers in the world that have and will attempt to keep minorities and the youth from voting. This is because those two groups tend to vote democratic. Not all, but especially if they are low economic status, they will vote for the guy that is fighting for middle class and students. It's not really just a consipiracy theory anymore that Bush became president because a few of his friends (Katherine Harris) stopped the counting of the votes in Florida. If you vote early, the chances of this type of behavior will be reduced.

It is best that you do not absentee vote unless you absolutely have to. Many ballots get lost/thrown away in the mail.


-M said…
Yes Early Voting is so awesome and so easy a caveman could do it :) I voted early and am proud to report I have only saw 2 Mccain signs in all of Bloomington. We are Obama o' Rama here!

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