Is Palin Scarier than Our Economy?

Ok, I've been focusing on Palin a LOT lately. You might be sick of the topic. You actually might be throwing up right now and cursing my name. But as an Obama supporter, and with things getting so close to the election, I have to tell you over and over about her lack of professioal exerience. That AND she's overshadowing my fear of paying bills. And that's bad right? I mean if that woman's beehive has me more worried than our car payment this month, I might have to punch in her in the dimple! The economy dropped and we screamed and then we got in tornado drill mode when Palin asked Senator Biden if she could call him "Joe". She's so cute and sneeky she deterred my attention from the economy with a wink of the eye.

I loved the common reaction after the debate. "Well she did better than we thought she would." That's like saying "Well Jessica did use spell check on her blog entry today so kudos." RAISE THE BAR PEOPLE! RAISE IT FOR ALL OF US FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I USE SPELL CHECK SPARINGLY LIKE PALIN USES HER BRAINS. I just think her influence on society is more important.

My friend Angela also noted how cute it was that Palin passed her baby on to her eight year old after the debate and the eight year old about fell over. Palin-"There ya go take it, here, TAKE IT. Ok, ok, goshdonnit TAKE THE BABY! I can't handle the baby right now, the pressure, the VP position, it's just too darn gosh darngolly tough and TAKE THE FUCKING BABY NOW!!!"


-M said…
she is one scary lady! please don't let the nightmare continue another 4 years.

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