Health Care-What is the Plan for Each Candidate?

Brent and I have both had health care at our jobs over the last six years. However, no matter what coverage we have, there always seems to be a loophole. We owe more money than he plan stated we would. And United Health Care has refused to cover all of an ER visit back in 2006, even though our insurance stated full coverage of such visit. In fact I've had to call them three times to ask why, and each time I get a strange different answer, or am transferred to several people over a span of an hour. I've even recorded phone calls in hopes that I could fight it. But that takes a lot of time and energy that one would want to focus elsewhere. If you watched Sicko by Michael Moore, it might resonate with you and open your eyes to the real health care industry and former health provider employees confess to purposely not covering someone to save cost and lying to many covered victims. Most Americans have had an experience when they either went to the doctor and were refused treatment for lack of insurance, had to wait hours before others with insurance get treated first, or if they have insurance there are always difficulties with the fine print. If you want to know Barack Obama or John McCain's plans for health care reform you can read a bit about it HERE. Neither plan is an immediate fix but over time Obama's focus is to reach universal health care in the US. McCain's does not. My stepfather is from Canada and this health care issue is the first thing that baffled him when he moved to the US. America is not a horrible place to live, but the health care industry definitely keeps us looking ugly.


-M said…
Isn't it sad that it cost so much for health care. The costs are over inflated. So we need to either bring down the costs of medical procedures or make it so every American has a chance to get health insurance. It should not be through a job..people lose and quit those. As a person who has experienced medical debt, went to free clinics, and lived with insurance and knew people in the same situations..i know it is a rought ride. Lets do this!

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