Whose the Princess that Works at RECYCLE in Wicker Park?

For real. Who is she? Does she have food poisoning often-cause today she looked super sour. And she was a real big beeeaaa*ch to customers. I was in there browsing around, and I almost bought something but she wouldn't say hello to me. I finally said "hi how are you" and she stared at me blankly, like I don't know if you belong here. In a second had store? Really? Has anyone told you lately that your face looks like a pizza puff? And woo hoo for you to work in an overpriced wannabe consignment shop. Did you get a Bachelor of Snoot from Snooty University?

So then this other customer comes in and Princess gets real smart with her about who the owner is/whether the owner is ever around. The poor customer was just asking some questions and Daria was on some big power trip because she's a big decider on second hand consignment. Then the customer shows her some suits and Pollyana tells her "I'll pass on the first two" like she's fu**in Meryl Streep from the Devil Wears Prada. Honey, this ain't Vogue. Nor is it even Macy's.


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