Sometimes, I hate Tourists

Sorry if you are one. Sorry if I offend you. But my morning was horrendous. And I'll tell you why.

#1 White man gets on the bus and proceeds to tell the black bus driver that he's an idiot, needs to get another job, and learn how to do his job. Says all of this with racist undertones. Why was the man upset? Because he was waiting for the bus on the sidewalk that was NOT a bus stop and the bus didn't stop for him. Oh, and did I mention that the guy used profanity in front of his 5 year old daughter too?

#2 I'm waiting for the walk symbol to appear at the crosswalk and a family of tourists gowned up in Cubs gear comes racing across the street to frantically catch a cab. They A) ignore that the red hand is still up and B) hold oncoming traffic from a green arrow in the opposite direction. So what happens? Their kids gets ran over by a biker. And the dad looks at the biker, who is Hispanic, and mouths very slowly to her "you have a red light!!" I could not refrain. I was standing directly in front of the incident. I corrected him and explained that they disobeyed the walk symbol, that they actually had held up traffic, and that the girl on the bike did not deserve to be chastised for their mistake. The mother looked confused and the father kept repeating that he was right. Never acknowledged that they themselves were the reason their son got ran over. After our *chat*, hardly, I walked on while other witnesses yelled at either him or me.

Normally, I wouldn't say a word. But when a white suburbanite tourist gets all high and mighty on a minority who meant no harm, they can go f*ck themselves really.

I hate when anger gets the best of me. A lot of times I keep my mouth shut. But when it comes to a situation where someone is being degraded, isn't it appropriate to stand up for someone? When I was on the bus I kept my lips shut, but one girl told the guy he was a sweet example to his daughter, that he should adjust his attitude for the sake of her. You could tell the guy felt a tinge of stupidity. Mind you, a small tinge, but still, a tinge. In some situations we can't always just ignore it and we can't always pretend it's not happening.


Good for you babe! I wouldn't have held my tongue either.
Anonymous said…
It's "run over" not "ran over"
Jessica said…
Dear Anonymous- I love publishing these kinds of comments b/c they are so laughable. Thanks for taking the time to spell check my blog!

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