Whose in Chicago?

* Bill Murray jumped from an airplane in the air show yesterday. (yes, it's quite loud and WWII-like in our city right now)

* Patrick Swayze is filming a new series called "The Beast" according to Alison who was an extra on the pilot.

*Gary Sinise's band is playing downtown for the air and water show.

*And just for the record, Brent has spotted Ron Livingston (Berger from Sex and the City), twice now. Why am I not the one spotting him? And if I do, believe you me, I will say "A POST IT?!"


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
This is the most self-indulgent, vapid collection of socially irrelevant ramblings I've ever seen. Your chief concern appears to be your own vanity- a cold sore, 5 extra lbs, your age... all the more shocking given the current political climate in our country, and the state of this world. Although your bit about your grandfather touched my heart (I recently lost mine as well), nothing else you've written has value to anyone but yourself, your family, or your friends. Maybe your should save yourself whatever it costs your per month to waste a .org domain name and get a LiveJournal instead.

P.S. Actresses mustn't be perfect, but they should probably figure out how to spell the names of their fellow thespians: "Swayze" and "Sinise," for the record. Also- please have some more respect for history and don't compare the fucking air traffic in your city to World War II. Jeez.

(If you've got the ovaries to post this, I might just change my tune.)
Anonymous said…

I whacked off to your blog this morning because my life is empty. I find myself getting angry at strangers and cutting off my fingers sometimes. Did I mention that I'm obsessive compulsive? Sometimes I read blogs to find fault in them and then use profanity and criticize the writer because I don't do anything useful with my own life. I also can't really read. So I make up the words as I go along. Or I only read the front page of a blog and then make a lot of assumptions about the writer. I also sometimes wash my hair with maple syrup.

Oh, and you should learn how to spell because I'm perfect. And you should respect history and fighter planes, it's not even that loud. But I don't live in Chicago. I live in the Indiana state penitentiary.

Jessica said…
Funny John :)

I invite "Harry Keary" to give their real identity.

I posted the comment as I will all comments because everyone is entitled to their rants. Blogger is free and blogs are meant to be done with as a person wishes. Thanks for your humor John!

Anonymous said…
Welcome to the internet Harry. I see you've found out what blogs are. Congrats! Also it is simply side-aching funny that you spent an hour or however long it took you to get all that out of your head "given the current political climate in our country, and the state of this world." I mean it was an amazing bit of prose, but what about all the starving kids in Idaho! Help them Harry, please! Maybe we can arrange for the fighter planes to drop off some your blubber!
jcates06 said…
I love your blog Jess.

I like anyone who is willing to bare their own soul for the world to read because it shows a real lack of fear, and a genuine self-awareness. That is rare in a community of sad cockbags (did I spell that right Harry, you worthless fuckhole?) who are too afraid to show themselves, and rather hide behind criticism of strangers who never asked for their opinions to feel valuable. Because in the real world, no one ever asks a person like Harry Keary for his opinion. Do they Harry? Nobody gives a flying World War II fuck about your opinion, and the sad fact that you tried to make someone care about your grandparent in the middle of your vile tirade against someone who as done nothing to you made me feel that much more pity for you. Right before I drew a picture of what we all assume you look like and punched it in the mouth.

I love you Jessica, keep up the good work!

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