30 Years

Year One: Well I am born. I have a unique issue with my intestines. So I have to go through intense surgery. I decide to live through it.

Year Two: Not sure, except I seem to have really good style thanks to my mom.

Year Three: Sesame Street. Sesame Street TV shows. Sesame Street Records. Me singing Sesame Street in the middle of the grocery store while my mom is in the next isle. It's my first audience.

Year Four: Preschool. I was a serious finger painter.

Year Five: I'm not into Girls Scouts. I have my first best friend and my first bully. I'm somewhere in between.

Year Six: My sister is born. My lifelong comedy partner and best best friend.

Year Seven: My whole family moves to LA. An event that defines my love of a city and diversity.

Year Eight: I am back in Indiana. Living with my grandparents. I decide that your family is always your family.

Year Nine: I obtain the nickname "Gigglebox" by all the kids in our new neighborhood.
This seems fitting. We move to the school district where I would stay for the next 9 years. I am one of three members of the band "Your Mamma Jo Cool" while the other girls play house at recess I am singing the blues with my two new friends. One of them, Missy, will be in my life still thirty years later.

Year Ten: San Francisco. We go there with my dad on a business trip. Something changes inside of me. I feel alive.

Year Eleven: My first play with my dad. Magic.

Year Twelve: Jr. High. My english teacher makes me read one of my journals outloud everyday. I was the only one that read every day. It never scared me and I always wrote something funny. I think he knew it was important to foster this. It's a rough year. I'm a hormonal clown.

Year Thirteen: I discover boys. I develop my first crush and he dances with me at a friends party. I've never felt this way before and I have no idea what comes next.

Year Fourteen: High School. Band Camp. Need I say more?

Year Fifteen: I start to find my groove in a sea of populars. I meet Kelly, my second lifelong friend.

Year Sixteen: I'm smitten with everything and everyone. I'm a wild child with sensibility. Spring break introduces me to independence.

Year Seventeen: I'm a lead in Into the Woods, our school musical. The story impacts my life as my parents go through a divorce.

Year Eighteen: I go away to college with Kelly. One of the biggest defining moments ever.

Year Nineteen: My first relationship. Wowsas. It's hot, it's cold, it's life's first big lesson.

Year Twenty: My mom meets my future stepdad. He's a gem. She is happy and it helps me to better understand why I'm not.

Year Twenty One: I move home and re-evaluate my goals. My stepmom just moved in. She cuts out an audition in the paper for the local theatre and hands it to me like a gift. I go and get the lead part. Shortly thereafter, I meet Brent-a writer and someone I connect with artistically.

Year Twenty Two: I am still doing theatre. I graduate from school. I feel my best. The Second City Touring company comes to Elkhart for a workshop. Something clicks inside of me. Brent and I develop the name Flowfeel for a writing project we are working on.

Year Twenty Three: Brent and I part ways. He wants to move to west coast for grad school. I am living with some girls in a house after I graduate college. Nearby is a nature path by the river. I need a change. I pick up and go for a jog. From that day forward, excercise plays a vital role in my movitivation, inspiration, and mental well being. My runs help me to focus and by the end of the year I am ready to move to Chicago to study improv.

Year Twenty Four: I move to Chicago. Brent is accepted to DePaul for grad school. He calls me. It's a change of heart for both of us.

Year Twenty Five: I am accepted into the Second City conservatory program. Brent proposes to me in Central Park New York City.

Year Twenty Six: Brent and I get married. What a year! Personally and professionally!

Year Twenty Seven: I leave my full time job. I work for two theatres part time. I develop relationships and work on comedy projects. I meet several good friends in the Chicago Creative Community and beyond who I admire and collaborate with.

Year Twenty Eight: My grandmother passes and this causes a tornado inside of myself. I am moved to take a risk. Brent and I make a movie.

Year Twenty Nine: Angela, my previous manager and good friend, steps up to edit our movie. We spend half the year with her and develop a strong relationship personally and professionally. Year twenty nine is a big growing year for me. I realize my potential, my passion, and most of all my appreciation for those who also are willing to follow their dreams.

Year Thirty: Today is the beginning of another decade. I'm so excited and inspired to take more risks, meet more people, and draw closer to those who make me a better person. I feel grateful for those I know longterm and those who have come and gone. I feel centered and challenged and hope that I never stop growing. And newsflash: our next movie is scheduled to shoot Summer 2009 :)!

Here's to life!


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